Updated: 24 November 2015
(These pages are updated early/end each month with revisions as news breaks - check-in here often)

Happy Vines

Basically WINE (with food)

Join us and tear down the mystique surrounding wines.

Understand why this unique beverage capture the imagination of many around the world.

Clear the hype associated with rating scores.

NEXT Date/Time: Saturdays,   Starts at 2:00pm
(please ask for ad-hoc groups of 12 persons or more)

Address: 514, West Coast Road, #08-515, Singapore 120514
Contact: +65 9671 0219

Cost: from SGD50.00 NETT per person
Format: A 2-hour multimedia session while tasting of 4 wines, served with a selection of tapas. Full-course dinner with wines (SGD80) is optional.


This fun & friendly WINE course was created after numerous requests, via email, inquiring about the opportunity to learn more about this unique, sometimes puzzling, beverage.

Many mysterious rituals are cited, "strict" rules & protocols need to be observed in consumption & food matching abound, stories of untold wealth in WINE investment, experts who can tell one wine from another with surprising precision.

Which is THE best WINE  in the world? Does it come from France or Australia or Thailand? Why does a Cabernet cost SGD18 in the supermarkets but restaurants sell theirs at SGD60? What is Cabernet (Sauvignon), anyway?

Let me help you delve through these nagging questions, clear up the doubts about being unable to appreciate WINE ...........  ever. Learn about the REAL difference & the choices you can make regarding WINE.

Simply spend a lazy Saturday afternoon with us.  Sip WINE, view some photos/videos & listen to some choice WINE words, enjoy some tapas and a 3-course dinner with wines.

ID Card Portrait  Science & Cooking  Culinary Diploma

Your guide is Remie Law, a wine judge & educator, sometimes a wine merchant & consultant but mostly enthusiastic about WINE and FOOD.

Basically Cooking

Basically LOCAL Cooking

(with wine pairing)

Local cooking class

Basic CULINARY skills
(Children & Maids)
Aunty Maria

presented by an ethnic Kadazan chef

Customised cooking sessions in Spanish or Italian cuisines are also available.


I/We wish to register for the above "Basically WINE" session. I understand that a session would require a minimum of 2 participants to proceed.





Pre-Payment is required, via  CHEQUE, payable to "Bibiana Sibining" and mailed to 74, Taman Malakun, Jalan Putatan-Ramayah, 89500 Penampang, Sabah, MALAYSIA. Please ask for details regarding direct account credit, internet banking or PayPal payments. Registrations are acknowledged, via return email and confirmed upon receipt of payment. Please inform unforeseen non-attendance, soonest.

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