9. Re: Cooking course in Kota Kinabulu?
by NDIM (Cologne)
So now I am able to review the cooking class.
Last week we were picked up by Remie, our host for this cooking class trip, early in the morning (7am). there were already four other passengers in the car. four lovely expats from around the world. it was clear from the start we would get along. It took us about 20 minutes to get to the local lamu market in a nearby village/little town.

we started the day though with a short stop at a local cafe where we were offered coffee and chinese steamed buns as a starter. after chatting for some time and getting to know people in the class we also met Remies lovely wife and his auntie who is the chef that supported us. together we proceeded to the market. no tourists there. just locals buying anything from all kinds of vegetables, fruits, spices, but you could also find some crafts and betelnut and loose tobacco. in the background there was a band of local grandpas playing music on drums. nice background music. we got to try a whole array of fruit. Remie, his wife and auntie were super patient and took lots of time. no question was too stupid. i have travelled sea many times but i learned about so many different fruits, spices and vegetables, i was astonished. also the people on the market were super nice. everyone smiling and greeting all the way. together we bought the fresh ingredients for the class, including local pickles, ferns, tiny little fishes, we left out the maggots, thankfully, cakes and cookies as well as some lovely fruits.

after about two hours we drove on another 15 min by car to be invited into remies home. we met their two superpolite sons who were playing upstairs, being on vacation, and then started to chop and cook. i had asked to learn how to cook laksa and was not disappointed. it was a very communal affair and we really got into the local rice wine which we also used for cooking. in the end we probably cooked at least 4 vegetable dishes, laksa, fish, pork and chicken dishes. wonderful

the atmosphere was so friendly. and i must say that Remies and his wifes hospitality just made you feel so welcome, as if you were their private guests. they joked and laughed with us the entire way.

we do a cooking class every time we go on vacation but rarely have we felt so welcome as in this class. Thanks a ton to Remie & family!!!
After Lunch Remie dropped us off in the city centre (approx 2pm).

the cost of the class is 200 RM/person (50 Euros). Which is quite pricey but is was worth the price from our perspective. Also a few days later Remie sent us a copy of all recepies each by mail so we can recook what we have learned.

Also: tried to add this as a new activity for KK within Tripadvisor but could not find a way how to do it. if somebody knows, let me know! would appreciate it.